Five Factors That Increase Truck Accident Risks

Truck accidents in Washington State are alarmingly common and pose a major hazard to other road users. These can leave motor vehicle drivers and their passengers suffering potentially life-threatening personal injuries. In many cases, multiple parties involved are to blame. Our Issaquah truck accident attorneys share five factors that increase the risk.
Underlying Causes Of Truck Accidents In Issaquah
Crash reports from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) indicate that around 2,000 truck accidents happen in King County each year. Reckless behavior on the part of the truck driver, such as speeding, failing to yield, tailgating, and driving under the influence is often to blame.
Truck drivers can be held accountable when you or someone you love suffers serious personal injuries as a result of a truck accident. However, other parties involved may share a portion of liability and can also be held accountable in a claim. Common factors that can make Issaquah truck accidents more likely to occur include:
- Lack of truck maintenance.
Trucks are massive machines that are difficult to manage. Lack of proper maintenance can lead to tire blowouts, brake failures, engine seizures, and problems with the hitch. These can cause a driver to lose control over their rig, making truck accidents more likely to happen.
- Defective truck parts.
Failure to routinely check tire pressure, engine fluid levels, and steering or brake systems are frequent problems. However, in some cases, mechanical issues can be traced to defective truck parts, for which the manufacturer, parts distributor, and trucking company share a portion of the blame.
- Improper loading practices.
Improper loading practices on the part of trucking companies and businesses they work with can cause balance problems and shifting of loads during trips. This is a common contributing factor in rollover truck accidents.
- Unrealistic delivery schedules.
In an effort to meet delivery goals and make more money, trucking companies may overschedule drivers, denying them breaks while on the road or adequate time off between trips. This can lead to drowsy driving, as well as speeding and other dangerous behaviors.
- Reckless behavior on the part of other motorists.
Other motorists on the road often share a portion of responsibility when a Washington State truck accident happens. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) warns that driving in trucking no zones, which are large blind spots alongside, in front, and in back of a rig, failing to yield, and sudden braking increase truck accident risks.
Our Issaquah Truck Accident Attorney Helps You Get The Compensation You Deserve
When truck accidents in Washington State happen, multiple parties may share a portion of the blame. You have the right to hold each of them liable for medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs you incur as a result. At Injury Law Group NW, we provide the comprehensive legal service you need in filing a claim. To get the compensation you deserve, reach out and call or contact our Issaquah truck accident attorneys online today.