Category Archives: Truck Accident

Cargo Spills And Other Dangerous Truck Accidents In Washington State
Interstate 90 and other major highways surrounding Issaquah are major routes for truckers. Local motorists are used to sharing the road tankers, semi-trucks, and other big rigs but need to be aware of potential risks. Truck accidents in Issaquah are dangerously common and can cause devastating injuries for other motorists involved. Our Issaquah truck… Read More »

How To Share The Road And Reduce Truck Accidents In Issaquah
Whether it involves 18-wheelers and other big rigs delivering additional stock to local stores or drivers delivering packages purchased online, be aware of the potential risks. The increase in truckers on the road increases the likelihood of truck accidents in Washington State. Our Issaquah truck accident attorney explains how the rush to make deliveries,… Read More »

Fatal Truck Accident Claims In Washington State
If you live in Issaquah or travel through the area much, be prepared to share the road with truckers. Tanker trucks, 18-wheelers, and other big rigs are a common sight on Interstate 90 and other major highways in and near the area. While they perform a valuable service to local communities, truck traffic also… Read More »

Summer Travel Safety Tips: Sharing The Road With Truckers
Many people travel during the summer, and road trips are particularly popular throughout Washington State. Many of the routes you are likely to take are also traveled by truckers, and sharing the road with big rigs can be intimidating. With I-90 running through our area, truck accidents in Issaquah pose serious risks. Our Issaquah… Read More »

Drowsy Driving Truck Accidents In Washington State Increase After Spring Time Changes
Few people look forward to yearly time changes. Particularly in the spring, setting the clocks back one hour for Daylight Saving Time can disrupt your sleep schedule for weeks after. While this can prove dangerous for anyone and increases the likelihood of personal injuries, our Issaquah truck accident attorney explains how it specifically impacts… Read More »

Funny Highway Signs Have The Potential To Increase Risk Of Truck Accidents In Issaquah
Local officials routinely post warnings on local highways about potentially treacherous traffic conditions or driving behaviors that could put you and other motorists at risk. In an effort to capture your attention, they often resort to using clever puns and little jokes. While these signs may bring a smile to your face, federal officials… Read More »

Advanced Technology Helps Reduce Issaquah Truck Accident Risks
Tractor-trailers, tanker trucks, and other big rigs are a common sight on local roads. They can weigh tens of thousands of pounds and require specialized knowledge and skill to navigate properly. Their large size and difficulty maneuvering, combined with lack of experience and reckless behavior on the part of the truck driver or the… Read More »

Protecting Yourself Against Truck Accidents In Washington State This Holiday Season
Residents of King County depend on trucks to deliver the gifts, decor, food, and other supplies they need during the holiday season. The increase in demand at this time of year means a corresponding increase in truck traffic. Unfortunately, this makes truck accidents in Washington State more likely to happen. Our Issaquah truck accident… Read More »

Red Light Running And Truck Accidents In Issaquah
In the rush to get from one place to another, having to stop at red lights can be aggravating for drivers. As a result, they may speed up when the light changes, resulting in red light running, or rev up and start inching forward moments before a light turns green. Both are dangerous driving… Read More »

Five Factors That Increase Truck Accident Risks
Truck accidents in Washington State are alarmingly common and pose a major hazard to other road users. These can leave motor vehicle drivers and their passengers suffering potentially life-threatening personal injuries. In many cases, multiple parties involved are to blame. Our Issaquah truck accident attorneys share five factors that increase the risk. Underlying Causes… Read More »