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Red Light Running And Truck Accidents In Issaquah


In the rush to get from one place to another, having to stop at red lights can be aggravating for drivers. As a result, they may speed up when the light changes, resulting in red light running, or rev up and start inching forward moments before a light turns green. Both are dangerous driving behaviors that can be particularly deadly when sharing the road with large trucks.  Our Issaquah truck accident attorney explains more about the hazards of red light running for drivers and truckers and how a national campaign aims to help reduce the risks.

Stop On Red Campaign Raises Awareness Of The Risks

Each year during the month of the August, the National Coalition For Safer Roads (NCSR) raises awareness of the risks of red lights running by encouraging people across the United States to share the hashtag #StopOnRed across social media.

Red light running is a common cause of car and truck accidents and often leaves victims suffering serious, potentially life-threatening personal injuries. While some drivers do purposely run red lights, it is more common for it to happen as a result of the following:

  • Being distracted behind the wheel;
  • Rushing to make it through a light while it is changing from yellow to red;
  • Making a legal right on red, but without yielding or being alert for oncoming traffic;
  • Inching forward and getting a jump start as a light changes to green, which does not account for others who may still be traveling through the intersection;
  • Doing rolling stops at stop signs.

Dangerous Truck Driving Behavior That Increases Red Light Running Risks

According to the Washington State Department of Transportation, nearly 2,000 truck accidents in King County happen each year. Red light running is a common cause of these accidents. An average of over 25 percent of all drivers report running red lights at some point over the previous month. Ways in which truckers can increase their risks include:

  • Lack of truck maintenance, such as not maintaining tire pressure or problems with brakes, that makes it harder to stop for red lights;
  • Speeding and approaching intersections at too fast of speeds;
  • Being distracted while driving their truck and not paying attention to the road;
  • Aggressive driving behavior, particularly racing through intersections and jumping yellow or green lights while expecting other motorists to automatically yield due to the large size of a rig.

Contact Our Issaquah Truck Accident Attorney And Request A Consultation

Serious car and truck accident injuries can happen due to red light running. At Injury Law Group NW, we help victims and their families get the compensation they are entitled to in a claim. We investigate your case, determine how your injuries occurred, and help you hold those at fault accountable for the harm they caused. To get the caring, professional legal representation you need to protect your rights, call or contact our Issaquah truck accident attorney online and request a consultation today.




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